Sunday, June 29, 2014

Good Morning Vietnam....

bloody hot, bloody chaos, bloody awesome! Spent so much time walking and looking and getting lost, get harrassed quite a bit as a tourist but hardening up pretty quickly! had a tropical rain storm today and just hanging out and emersing ourselves.....good times!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Singapore "Fling"....

Sooooooooo good over here....if we could afford to we would live here! Property over here is insane...millions and millions of dollars for this....just one of these....$37,000,000! (the orange roofs in front of us!)....Singapore has been a feast for our senses and a great way to acclimitise to the heat...understanding air con could well be a highly regarded luxury once we reach Vietnam....its so hard to know what to expect really?

Steve has been amazing trying all sorts of new foods....when in Rome he not so brave...lots of duck and chicken heads around, gizzards, rectums.....yeah yeah nah! im such a wuss and a little scared about what Vietnam will bring but as long as pne of us is brave then I can be not brave!!!

Did the river cruise as a wee tourist too...with our very own tour guide....Mimi!

We went to the big SEA aquarium on Sentosa, Kelly heaven over there, but we just did the gondola and aquarium due to time and Steve doesnt 'do' rides....ha ha ha...

Some photos as follows....

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How "Roo" Doing?

Okay so...bags are packed once again! lovely family time in the land of Aussie...made some friends too...Look out Singapore!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Woop woop!

One more sleep to go!
Packed - check
Bills paid - check
Family visits - check
It's all good! Looking forward to saying farewell to the rains of Auckland

Saturday, June 14, 2014