Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Last but not least...

thank you to everyone who has enjoyed our wee blog, it hasnt been the best system to work from but I have persevered...next time i will use a better platform...all the grammar and spelling mistakes are not my fault but very time consuming to resolve!!! Ha ha ha....anyway, we are off to the airport soon. Our luggage has grown a little from when we left so we are hoping the luggage and airport gods will be on our side as we depart from here...but more so on arrival in Auckland...we all know what they can be like!!

Steve and I are so grateful for the experiences we have had! I cant wait to see my animals...I know in my heart the next nine months will fly and there is no doubt in our hearts and minds that Cambodia is where we belong! We are looking at China next year also....I am on a mission to discover the dumplings of the world!

Our new friends in Vietnam will get a visit too...

It is with heavy hearts we leave but open minds, and a wonderful sense of accomplishment and adventure remains...

Thanks for listening....all our live Kel and Steve

PS We are flying Malaysia Airlines...I am opptomistic they wont get three strikes...if we are unlucky as so many beautiful people in our world are in this day in age, know we are together and we love you all very much!

Kel and Steve xxx

Sunday, August 10, 2014

More Bangkok....

Its been a crazy place to try and take some deep breaths and time out! the city that never sleeps....funny after a week or so here we again have met some beautiful people, planned a trip to china next year and steves a local at the coffee shop down the road! very hard place to leave...not long to go now...been nice to be hiding away from all the horrible stories of the world...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bangkok Babes & Lady Boys...

Been a few days of chaos and craziness here in Bangkok...we seem to be in a good busy area and have been using the train, bus and tuk tuks to get around! Amazing how expensive it is here, we were so spoilt in Vietnam! Good times though and soaking it all up before quiet time in Lummy....